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Muhammad Fareez Iqmal

What's Changed

  • 🐛 Add validation in imaluum importer to show error when the target HTML element is not found.
    • Without this fix, the laoding indicator will not stop, and user will not aware of this error, leading to bad UX.
    • Example when this is useful: When Final exam is not available yet (ie finance block etc.).
    • Thanks ElyasAsmad for reporting.
  • ⬆️ Upgrade dependencies
  • ✏️ Fix help links in Imaluum importer. Importing course subject should point to here and final exam should go here
  • ✏️ Change default semester to sem 3 (2022/2023). Add new session 2023/2024.

GitHub Releases

Muhammad Fareez Iqmal

Hotfix Update

🐛 Fixes issue where previously saved schedule is missing. [Issue #86]. Thanks to Faruq for reporting this issue.

After installing this update, your previously saved schedule should be restored.

Cause of the issue

On previous release, I've upgraded isar version to version 3.1.0. This version introduced a breaking changes where parameter directory is now required for method. Unfortunately, no migration steps were given, so I refer to the example code. However, the directory defined in example code is on different location of where isar store things in previous release. Hence, previous data is not loaded.

So, I went through deeper to isar issues and find this issue. So in this issue, people discussed the correct directory path that should be passed to to method. Thus, I've updated the code to use the correct directory path. Unfortunately, they didn't discuss for Windows. So' I can't guarantee you'll get you data back or not

GitHub Releases

Muhammad Fareez Iqmal


✨ New feature: Final exams schedule!

The final exams can be added manually, or imported from i-Ma'luum. The neat part is, you can add the exams into your own calendar (Google, Outlook etc), so you can set up notification etc.

The .ics ICalendar file is also generated, so you can share it with your friends or transfer to your PC etc.

Closing this issue #66 for now. Also, again, thanks to Aiman Rahim that added POC for adding items to calendar events in his PR #64

While we are on this topic, what do you think if we add ability to export class timetable to calendar also? Leave a thumbs in here (Issue #65) if you think it's a good idea 👍

Other changes

  • 💙 Upgrade Flutter framework to 3.10 (Latest major stable release)
  • 🐛 Fixed incorrect casing after opening parenthesis. Issue #76
  • 🐛 Fixed some page in course browser that are failed to load. It was caused by weird day formatting from the IIUM. Issue albiruni #1
  • ➖ Removed previous database implementation; Hive. Migration system from Hive to Isar is no longer available - Idk if people is ever use this feature or not, I hope they use
  • ➕ Added dependencies
  • ⬆️ Upgrade dependencies

GitHub Releases

Muhammad Fareez Iqmal

What's New

  • ✨ Added ability to change the schedule's time (This feature has been requested for a long time). Thank you for everyone that propose this feature. #37 demo edit time

  • ✏️ Added hint text about the pull-to-refresh features (Note: This text apprear randomly).

GitHub Releases